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Configure your organization

To configure your organization, navigate to the Settings tab in the BricksAI dashboard. Here, you can configure the following settings:

  1. Organization name: The name of your organization. This name will be displayed in the BricksAI dashboard and in the metadata of your requests.
  2. LLM providers: The LLM providers that your organization can access. You can add or remove LLM providers at any time.
  3. Members: The members of your organization. You can add or remove members at any time.

Member roles

There are two types of member roles in BricksAI, owners and members. Here's a breakdown of what each role can do:

View secret keysCan view all secret keysCan view secret keys only if they're added as a viewer
Create secret keys
Add viewer to secret keys
Modify organization name
Add LLM providers
Modify LLM providers
Invite members
Edit member roles
Remove members